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AMIGA Active MIGrAnts on the Labor Market – a German-Polish Cooperation








The project was co-funded by the German and Polish European Social Fund (ESF), nr POKL.07.02.01-30-092/12


Duration: 1.06.2013 – 31.05.2015

Coordinator in Poland: Karolina Sydow

Project team: Natalia Bloch, Izabella Main, Patricia Krolik; streetworkers: Izabela Czerniejewska, Agata Kochaniewicz, Agata Pakieła, Robert Rydzewski,

Coordinator in Germany: Magdalena Ziółek-Skrzypczak (the Department of Labor and Economic Development in the City of Munich)

Strategic partner: City of Poznań


Project goals


1. Increase social and professional integration of migrants by facilitating their labor force participation

2. Develop support strategies for migrants in the local labor market with focus on three target groups:

  • migrant entrepreneurs

  • foreign university graduates and students

  • unemployed migrants

3. Provide better access to information on services and opportunities in the host country

4. Establish long-term collaboration between and among different institutions assisting migrants

5. Promote migrants’ contribution to the host society

6. Exchange best practices with other EU countries


Project goals in Poznań:

  • Bridge migration and integration research and practice,

  • Discover untapped potentials in the context of global skill shortages,

  • Ensure migrants’ access to information about living and working conditions in Poland and in Poznań,

  • Raise the awareness about migration among local residents

  • Provide recommendations how to support migrants’ potentials, taking the experience of the “old” EU member States into account and comparing them with the situation in Poland and Poznań.



♦ K.Sydow, U.Schulz, M.Ziółek-Skrzypczak (ed.) Strategies to support migrants in the labor market. Experience with the AMIGA project in the context of old and new migration cities in the EU, Munich 2015.[pdf]


♦ N. Bloch, I. Main, K. Sydow (red.), Nie dość użyteczni. Zmagania imigrantów na lokalnym rynku pracy (Not Useful Enough. The Struggle of Immigrants in the Local Labor Market), Poznań: Centrum Badań Migracyjnych UAM 2015. [link]

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