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Centrum Badań Migracyjnych

Webinar CeBaM z prof. Negris Canefe

Centrum Badań Migracyjnych zaprasza na kolejny webinar. W tym miesiącu gościć będziemy profesor Nergis Canefe (York University) z wystąpieniem pod tytułem Ethics of witnessing and research practices in forced migration and human rights fields.

Data: czwartek, 10 czerwca 2021, 13:30-15:00 (CET), online (zoom).


This webinar will discuss capitalizing the scholar's responsibility as a witness, maximizing its potential and benefits for institutional and social change, and tracing and teaching an ethics of witnessing in its most adequate and resonant forms. Overall, if we are to defend a theory of ethics that is focused on the scholar's role in enhancing human dignity and rights against all odds, we must start with providing a road map for our students. The webinar provides case studies and examples of engaged research in dealing with humanitarian crises, rights abuses and in general situations of gross human vulnerabilities.

Professor Nergis Canefe (PhD & SJD) is a Turkish-Canadian scholar of public international law, comparative politics, forced migration studies and critical human rights. She has held posts in several European and Turkish Universities and is a faculty member at York University, Canada since 2003. She regularly serves at the executive board of several international organizations, including International Association of Forced Migration Studies, and is the co-editor of Journal of Conflict Transformation and Security. She penned close to 100 scholarly articles and several books, Transitional Justice and Forced Migration (edited volume, 2019, Cambridge University Press), The Syrian Exodus (monograph, 2018, Bilgi University), The Jewish Diaspora as a Paradigm: Politics, Religion and Belonging (edited volume, 2014, Libra Press –Jewish Studies Series), Milliyetcilik, Kimlik ve Aidiyet (monograph, 2006, Nationalism, Identity and Belonging], Istanbul: Bilgi University Publishing House), and Turkey and European Integration: Accession Prospects and Issues (2004, edited volume in collaboration with Mehmet Ugur, Routledge). Her most recent book is Limits of Universal Jurisdiction: A Critical Debate on Crimes against Humanity (University of Wales International Law Series, in press), to be followed by a volume on Unorthodox Minorities in the Middle East (Lexington Press) and Comparative Politics of Administrative Law in the Middle East (Macmillan Publishers). Her scholarly work appeared in Nations and Nationalism, Citizenship Studies, New Perspectives, Refugee Watch, Refuge, South East European Studies, Peace Review, Middle Eastern Law and Governance, Journal of International Human Rights, and, Narrative Politics. Professor Canefe is also a trained artist and her designs and murals have been showcased regularly since 2008.

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