Prof. Anne White
Prof. Anne White, badaczka wizytująca w 2022, antropolożka, professor polonoznawstwa na UCL SSEES w Londynie
Migracje z i do Polski. Zmiany społeczne w Polsce i Europie Środkowiej-Wschodniej.
Polska jako kraj imigracji i emigracji. NAWA (Stypendysta Programu im. Stanisława Ulama), 1.1.22-30.6.22.
Wybrane publikacje (dotyczące tematyki migracyjnej)
White, A. and K. Goodwin. 2019. Invisible Poles (London: UCL Discovery).
White, A., I. Grabowska, P. Kaczmarczyk and K. Slany. 2018 The Impact of Migration on Poland: EU Mobility and Social Change (London: UCL Press).
White, A. 2017. Polish Families and Migration since EU Accession (Bristol: The Policy Press, 2nd edition).
Artykuły i rozdziały w książkach
White, A. 2022. ‘Return migration experiences: the case of Central and Eastern Europe’, in R. King and K. Kuschminder (eds.) The Elgar Handbook of Return Migration (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar), pp. 299-313.
White, A. 2021. 'Migration impact inside-out: stayers, sociology and social remittances', Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 47(13), 3190-3208.
White, A. and K. Goodwin. 2021. ‘Invisible Poles and their integration into Polish society: changing identities of UK second-generation migrants in the Brexit era’, Social Identities, 27(3), 410-425.
White, A. 2020. ‘New receiving countries and the European “mobility laboratory”: integration and family reunification aspirations among Ukrainians in Płock’, Studia Migracyjne-Przegląd Polonijny, 4(178), 27-48.
White, A. 2019. ‘Polish returnees’ livelihood strategies, social remittances and influence on communities of origin’, in R. Anghel, M. Fauser and P. Boccagni (eds.) Transnational Return and Social Change Hierarchies, Identities and Ideas (London: Anthem Press).
White, A. and I. Grabowska. 2019.‘Social remittances and social change in Central and Eastern Europe: embedding migration in the study of society’, Central and Eastern European Migration Review, 8(1), 33-50.
White, A. 2018. ‘Sending and receiving country perspectives on family migration’, in P. Pustulka, M. Sluszarczyk and J. Struzik (eds.) Contemporary Migrant Families: Actors and Issues (Cambridge Scholars Press).
White, A. 2017. 'Informal practices, unemployment and migration in small-town Poland', East European Politics and Societies, 30(2), 404-22 .
White, A. 2016. 'An Inside-Out Approach to Social Remittances: Linking Migration and Social Change in Poland', in M. Nowicka and V. Šerbedžija (eds.), Migration and Social Remittances in a Global Europe (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan), pp. 49-69.
White, A. 2016. 'Social Remittances and Migration (Sub)-Cultures in Contemporary Poland', Central and Eastern European Migration Review, 5(2), 63-80.
White, A. 2016. 'Polish migration to the UK compared with migration elsewhere in Europe: a review of the literature', Social Identities, 22(1), 10-25.
White, A. 2014. 'Double return migration: failed returns to Poland leading to settlement abroad and new transnational strategies', International Migration 52(6), 72-84.
White, A. 2014. ‘Polish Return and Double Return Migration’, Europe-Asia Studies, 66:1, pp. 25-49.
White, A. 2013.‘Postkommunisticheskie tendentsii v trudovoi migratsii. Rossiya i Pol'sha: opyt sravnitel'nogo analiza’, Park Belinskogo, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 34-52.
White, A. 2011. ‘Polish families in England: decisions about stay and return’, in A. Stenning and A. Slowik (eds.) Post-Accession Migration in Europe: a Polish Case Study (Kraków: Impuls), pp. 15-38
White, A. 2011. ‘The mobility of Polish families in the West of England: translocalism and attitudes to return’, Studia Migracyjne-Przegląd Polonijny, no. 1, pp. 11-32.
White, A. 2010. 'Young People and Migration from Contemporary Poland', Journal of Youth Studies, 13(5), 565-80.
White, A. 2010. 'Migracja z dziećmi do Anglii jako strategia życiowa polskich kobiet', in J. Napierała and M. Kindler (eds.), Migracje kobiet z i do Polski, Warsaw: Warsaw University Centre of Migration Research
White, A. 2009. ‘Family Migration from Small-Town Poland: a Livelihood Strategy Approach’ in K. Burrell (ed.), Polish Migration to the UK in the New European Union: After 2004, Aldershot: Ashgate.
White, A. and L. Ryan. 2008. ‘Polish “Temporary” Migration: the Formation and Significance of Social Networks’, Europe-Asia Studies, 60(7) 1467-1502.