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Newsletter AMIGA

Zdjęcie autora: Centrum Badań MigracyjnychCentrum Badań Migracyjnych

Zaktualizowano: 30 lis 2020

We invite everyone interested in our project to read this newsletter, which describes all the recent actions undertaken within AMIGA: Active Migrants in the Local Labor Market. Project of Polish-German cooperation.

Project’s website:

. 1. Migrant Info Point (MIP) – first point in Poznan, which provides immigrants with important information and support has started its activities in October 2013!

Its aim is to consolidate and spread around information concerning law regulations and daily life in Poznań, which until recently was not easily accessible. It is a first place of this kind in the capital of Greater Poland. It is open twice a week – on Tuesdays and Thursdays. It is located in the building of Collegium Chemicum at Adam Mickiewicz University, in room 253.

Download the flyer

2. Website incorporates all the important information related to legal regulations and daily life in Poznań

3. „Streetworking” – it is connected to MIP’s activities and complements them by actions undertaken outside the office and regular working hours such as promoting the project and providing constant evaluation of the support. Three streetworkers, experienced anthropologists (Agata Kochaniewicz, Agata Pakieła and Robert Rydzewski) have already started their work in August. Their work is coordinated by dr. Natalia Bloch.

4. Individual job counselling for migrants – every migrant has a chance to sign up for a free meeting with a job counselor, which is there for them every Thursday.

5. Polish language course – there is a huge interest in free polish language classes offered by the project. Three of the course have already started, next one is about to begin in February.

6. Cooperation of the institutions – it takes place at the local and international level and encourages representatives of various agencies, which have to deal with migrants, to search for a new ways and ideas to support them. Both in Poznań and in Munich there are three local teams which are concerned with supporting three different groups of migrants: 1) these with difficulties at the labor market, 2) students and graduates, 3) persons who plan to establish their own business.

Each of the teams in Poznań consists of representatives of Poznań City Hall, District Employment Agency, Wielkopolska Voivodeship Office, employees of Poznań universities and streetworkers. Meetings are hold on a regular basis every 6 weeks.

7. Cooperation with the German partner – which is the City of Munich, Department of Labor and Economic Development. Exchange of experiences and ideas allow us to come up with new ways to support immigrants. Two international meetings have been hold so far - the first one in Poznań (17-18.06.2013), second one in Munich (4-7.12.2013).[SEE]


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